Kosovo: 24th wave of privatization

Prishtina, 21 March 2007 – The Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA), responsible for the privatization of Socially Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Kosovo, has announced the 24th wave of privatization. Below is a list of companies to be privatized:

NewCo White House Shops L.L.C. – provides the opportunity to purchase a group of seven shops, located in the White House building located in Nerodime road Ferizaj/Urosevac. Total area of the shops is approximately 224m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo White House Apartments L.L.C. – provides the opportunity to purchase a complete floor of apartments ready for fitting and finishing located in the White House building in Nerodime road Ferizaj/Urosevac The total area of the apartment floor is approximately 622m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Retail Barracks L.L.C. – includes two barrack buildings located in their own land, in suburban districts of Ferizaj/Urosevac, suitable for trading, or renting to retailer outlets for business income. Total area of the barracks is approximately 340m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo 17 Nëntori Commercial Land and Buildings L.L.C. – provides an excellent opportunity to acquire a plot of land 1.6 hectares in size together with open fronted buildings of approximately 200 m² suitable for commercial development. The land is located at the junction of the Pristina to Skopje and Gjilan/Gnjilane roads, Ferizaj/Urosevac and within one kilometre of Ferizaj/Urosevac town centre. We believe this to be a major development opportunity for a wide range of businesses. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Tregtia Shops L.L.C. – provides the opportunity to purchase two retail outlets of about 217m² and 44 m² respectively close to the centre of the town of Ferizaj/Urosevac. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Tregtia Admin. Base L.L.C. – offers the opportunity to obtain a two-storey office block with footprint of about 202m², set in a land plot of 22.75ars located on the Ferizaj/Urosevac industrial estate. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Bujku Offices L.L.C. – is located in the centre of Skenderaj/Srbica, Skenderaj/Srbica Municipality. It comprises land that has a surface of approximately 837 m² (0ha 8ari 37 m² ) and a 3-floor building. Only the three offices’ premises located at the ground floor of the building are to be sold with this tender. The three offices’ premises have a total approximate surface of 150 m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Çyçavica Shops Vushtrri /Vucitrn L.L.C. – is located near the centre of Vushtrri / Vucitrn opposite the Kosovo Police service police school and includes a site with a total surface area of about 119.45 m² with two ground floor shops(Shop 1: area of 59.725 m²; Shop 2: area of 59.725 m²) (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Forestry Runik Hill – Runik/Rudnik Skenderaj/Srbica L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with an excellent opportunity to acquire about 35921 m² (3ha 59are 21m²) of pasture land suitable for different kind of businesses. The land is located in a very convenient location near the main road from Runik/Rudnik towards Peja/Pec. (Bid Deposit – 10.000€)

NewCo Leather Factory Bare L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with an excellent opportunity to acquire 10649 m² (1ha 06ari 49 m² ) of land and a building with a basement and a ground floor with a total surface of approximately 1600 m² . The land and the building are suitable for any kind of businesses and are located in a convenient location of the village Bare, in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica Municipality. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo TE Klina Shop no.1 L.L.C. – offers to investors an attractive shop premises located in the very centre of Klinë/Klina. The building offers about 88.1 m² floor-space. (Bid Deposit – 10.000€)

NewCo Korenik Supermarket – Rakosh/Rakoš L.L.C. – is located in the center of Rakosh/Rakoš village, on the main road from Pejë/Peć to Mitrovicë/Mitrovica. It offers approximately 123 m² floor space suitable for commercial activities. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Agriculture Land Kryqi i Rakocit L.L.C. – is situated in cadastral zones Kruqi i Rakocit and surrounded villages Gërgoc/Grgoc Radoniq/Radonjic and Zhabel/Zabelj. This New Co offers approximately 480 ha of agriculture land.
This tender gives the chance to the investor to develop the agro business in this Gjakova region. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Poultry Farm Ponosheci L.L.C. – is situated in cadastral zones Ponoshec/Ponosevac . This New Co offers approximately 13 45 78 ha of land and 12 poultry sheds.
This tender gives the chance to the investor to develop the agro business in this Gjakova region. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Elmont L.L.C. – includes an administrational building with about 150 m² floor space. It is located on a site of about 12 are in the centre of Pejë/Peć. The site is located near railway station and can host different commercial activities. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Hidromont L.L.C. – includes a landholding of about 12 are in a commercially interesting zone, near the railway station in Pejë/Peć. A warehouse that is located on the tendered premises is partially destroyed. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Hazelnut and Cherry Orchards L.L.C. – offers to investors about 200 ha of land in Cadastral zones of Gllogjan/Glođane and Irzniq/Rznić, Deçan/Dečani Municipality. The land is partially planted with hazelnut- and cherry trees and offers also the opportunity to cultivate vegetables and other crops. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Drita-Shajkoc Agriculture Land L.L.C. – offers good agriculture land in a good location for developing farming activities, such as poultry and orchard. With the appropriate investment, output of agricultural products can be increased significantly. The agricultural Land includes a total surface area of approx. 767,768 m² (76 ha 77 are 68 m²). The land plot is accessible by roads. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Drita-Sfeqël Agriculture Land L.L.C. – offers good agriculture land including an administrative building. With the appropriate investment, output of agricultural products can be increased significantly. The agriculture land offered can produce good quality of cereals and other agricultural products. The land offered to investors includes a total area of approx. 787,447 m² (78 ha 74 are 47 m²) and an administrative building of approx. 240 m² . The land plots are accessible by roads. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Kosovaelektro Qafa Shop L.L.C. – provides the potential investor the opportunityto acquire a shop located in the centre of Prishtinë/Priština. The shop has a surface of approx. 109.57 m² and is situated on the second floor of the building complex known as ‘Qafa’ (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Kosovaelektro Administration L.L.C. – offers an atractive business site of approx.296 m² in the centre of Prishtinë/Pristina near the National Museum. The offer includes a one-storey building facilities occupying approx. 179 m² and a yard area of approx. 117 m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Turist Kosova Qafa Shop L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with the opportunity to acquire prime location of approx. 159 m², consisting of mainly office space and stairways, located in Prishtina. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Mekanizimi Lipjan L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with the opportunity to acquire commercial property of approx. 8,637 m² (86 are, 37m²) located in Lipjan/Lipljan. The property includes a complex of retail, warehouse space and yard for the sale and servicing of vehicles, agricultural machinery and equipment. The complex comprises buildings of solid and metal construction with a total area of approx. 1,916m². In addition, there is a separate warehouse/garage of approx. 226m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Gërmia Shops Fushë Kosovë 1 L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with an opportunity to acquire commercial property totalling approx. 293 m² in a central location just off the main street in Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje. The properties are located on the ground floor of a residential building and comprise three separate units: shop no. 86 of approx. 75m², shop no. 10 of approx. 75m² and supermarket no. 55 of approx. 143m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Gërmia Land L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with the opportunity to acquire commercial property totalling approx. 25,000 m² (2ha and 50are) in an excellent location in Prishtina Industrial Zone in close proximity to the main road to Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje and Prishtina International Airport. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Urata Supermarket No. IV L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with an opportunity to acquire two operating commercial units located in the ground floor of a two storey building in Nazim Gafurri street near the centre of Prishtinë/ Priština. The total commercial space is approx. 175m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Llapi Shop No. 26 L.L.C. -offers to the potential investor an unique opportunity to acquire a shop in the middle of Podujevë/Podujevo, in Zahir Pajaziti Street, with an approximate surface of 54 m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Drithnaja Land L.L.C. – offers the opportunity to acquire a land plot located in the prime area of Prishtina where business development is taking place. The total surface of the land that is subject of this tender is approx. 5,400 m² which includes four building structures of approx. 1,306 m². (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Agricultural land Shkabaj L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with an excellent opportunity to acquire very good agriculture land most of it under irrigation infrastructure of Iber Lepenci irrigation company. The enterprise is comprised of approximately 150 hectares of agricultural land divided in the following Cadastral zones:.:Shkabaj/Orlloviq, Prishtina,Krushefc,Fushe Kosove.
The new co comprises as well machinery service unit with agriculture machinery in Shkabaj village. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Zhupa Recane –Supermarket in Gornje Selo L.L.C. – includes Supermarket located in attractive part of village Gornje Selo, on a site of approximately 2 ares and which includes one floor building with a total surface area of approximately 55 m² and 145 m² of yard registered in the name of SOE. (Bid Deposit – 10.000€)

NewCo Prizrencoop Gjonaj/Djonaj Warehouse L.L.C. – the land of the AC to be transferred to the Subsidiary consists a building/warehouse, which is located in the mean road of Gjonaj/Djoanaj village , and comprises a surface of approximately 21.00are. The warehouses currently are leased to third party. (Bid Deposit – 10.000€)

Last Day for Pre-qualification is: 16 May 2007
The Day for submitting bids is: 23 May 2007

For the following companies the date of privatization is yet to be determined:

NewCo Agrokultura Meat Processing Plant L.L.C. – this tender provides an investor with the opportunity to acquire the meat processing plant located in village Velekincë/Velekince (Gjilan/Gnjilane municipality). Acquisition of this NewCo will give access to the Kosovar retail food market and will allow the possibility of expansion.
The property subject of this tender has a total area of approximately 58,180m² (05.81.80 ha). Main buildings cover a total area of approximately 10,027m² and open space – yard approximately 48,153m² within the complex of the meat processing plant. (Bid Deposit – 20.000€)

NewCo Bauxite Mine in Volljak L.L.C. – bauxite operations were initiated in 1966 and have exploited a series of bauxitic lenses with overlying limestone which occur in the area of Klina. The bauxite resources have been mined from a series of open pits, and traditionally were trucked approximately 3 km to an open storage area where they were subsequently loaded into railcars. Ore reserves (using the A, B, C1 socialist categorization) are in the region of 1.7 million tones of bauxite grading between 46.7 and 52%. Resources (c2, D, indicated0 are in the region of 4 million tones of bauxite. Associated limestone overburden totals approximately 40 million tones. This limestone sufficiently pure to traditionally be sold to the Trepca and Feronikeli smelters.

For more information please contact the Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) at http://www.kta-kosovo.org .