IPAK Vienna / ECIKS promoting investments in the sector of energy and mining

Vienna, 28 May 2008 – Organized by the Vienna office of the Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo (IPAK Vienna), the conference about investment opportunities in the sector of energy and mining in Kosovo has brought together over 70 potential investors and journalists from the German-speaking region. Yesterday’s event in Vienna has once again shown the rising interest of potential investors for Kosovo.

The Kosovar Deputy Minister of Energy and Mining, Dr. Blerim Rexha and the Head of IPAk Vienna, Mr. Kujtim Dobruna have invited investors from Austria, Germany and Switzerland to use great potentials of Kosovo in the sector of energy and mining and invest in Kosovo.

“Lignite is the key to energy stability for the entire Balkan region”, said Mr. Günther Ofner, representing the Austrian EVN who has already invested in the region. Kosovo has the world’s fifth largest lignite reserves and experts such as Roland Matous of the Energy Community believe Kosovo can in the near future become an important exporter of energy in the Balkans.

The Vienna office of IPAK (Website) has been established and is beeing managed by the Economic Initiative for Kosova (ECIKS). The office offers information and free-of-charge services for potential investors from Austria, Germany and Switzerland.


Liberalisation of the Energy Market in South Eastern Europe as a chance for investors
Roland MATOUS, Energy Community

Current economic situation and investment opportunities in Kosovo
Kujtim Dobruna, Head of IPAK Vienna / ECIKS

Mining and energy potentials of Kosovo
Dr. Blerim REXHA, Deputy Minister of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Kosovo

The Interest of Austrian Companies for Kosovo
Dr. Günther OFNER, CEO of EVN Macedonia und EVN Albania