EU Supports Business Development in Kosovo

The EU-funded TurnAround Management Programme (EU-TAM), financed by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance and managed by the EC Liaison Office, hosted a networking event for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) where it presented the direct enterprise assistance available to the SMEs through the TAM programme.

The event presented an ideal opportunity for local business leaders to network and share experiences, as well as to discuss obstacles for growth and how to overcome them.

Entrepreneurs also found out about opportunities for improving management and technical skills in their businesses by applying for assistance from TAM.

The EU-funded TAM Programme will assist up to 40 companies especially related to rural development, women in business, young entrepreneurs, health related enterprises, enterprises encouraging employment of minorities and disabled persons.

Some of the results to be achieved in the assisted companies are: improved market performance, enhanced competitiveness, expansion of markets, new jobs, introduced quality management and certification, and improved environmental practices.

The project has started in October 2009 and will be implemented by EBRD.

In Kosovo, SMEs constitute around 98% of all enterprises and have a critical role in determining future growth in income and especially, employment.