Albania Offers Kosovo Support in Development

Albania has restated its support for Kosovo’s development and Euro-Atlantic integration, at a meeting between a team from Albania’s foreign affairs commission and Kosovo leaders.

The head of the commission, Prec Zogaj announced that Albania is ready to assist Kosovo in strengthening its independence, securing more recognitions and promoting its Euro-Atlantic integration.

“We speak one language, which is the Albanian language, we judge with the same mentality, which is the Euro-Atlantic mentality, and we can say that at this time Albanianism and Euro-Atlanticism coincide”, he said.

According to Zogaj, a fusion of economic and cultural activity between the two nations will be supported by Albania’s institutions, emphasising the important role the Prishtina – Durres highway will play in the process.

“The Albanian part of the highway is heading towards completion and its effects towards the economic development of the two countries will be extraordinary”, he said.

President Fatmir Sejdiu expressed gratitude towards all of Albania’s contributions to Kosovo’s development, praising the neighboring country’s reforms which he said are a good example for the rest of the region.

Prime Minister Thaci also highlighted Albania’s acceptance into NATO, labelling it as a guarantor of stability and cooperation in the region.