Project - PERIOD:
October 2012 – October 2015 - CLIENT:
Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) / Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)
The overall, long-term objective of this project was to contribute to the promotion of market-oriented private sector development in Kosovo and to foster global competitiveness of Kosovo’s SMEs in line with the principles of sustainable
development, SME Development Strategy for Kosovo 2012-2016, and Small Business Act. This 36 months’ project was financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).
The services provided include:
- Supporting KIESA in increasing its decision making and strategic planning capacities
- Supporting KIESA in improving the public-private dialogue
- Establishing mechanisms for SME data collection and reporting
- Established Municipal Competitiveness Review as a tool for municipal benchmarking and inducing municipal competition
- Introducing the Making Markets Working for the Poor approach –M4P in KIESA’s work
- Training governmental officials, companies and other stakeholders on Inclusive Market System Development (IMSD) & M4P
- Re-establishing and reorganizing the Voucher Counselling Scheme
- Providing trainings and consulting services to 200 SMEs with emphasis on the creation of opportunities for the poor – men and women, youth, and minorities
- Establishing the Kosovo Business Consultants Council
- Training and CMC accrediting over 100 local business consultants
- Enabling accreditation of BCC to ICMCI
- Providing support in establishing a market-oriented Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) with emphasis on the creation of opportunities for the poor – men and women, youth, and minorities
- Developing a funding strategy for the CGS