Müntefering: Final status should be resolved after elections

Prishtina, 26 August 2004 – Kosovar Media report that Franz Müntefering, Chairman of SPD party was in Prizren yesterday where he visited German KFOR troops and later on also met with representatives of the local government and with religious leaders.

According to Müntefering, October’s elections are a very important step forward and he called for all citizens of Kosovo to participate in them. By doing so, “they will show that this place is moving towards a meaningful democracy”, said the leader of the biggest opposition party in Germany who also said that “after the October’s elections, Kosovo should have its status”.

Müntefering also spoke about the March events saying they were a setback for the future of Kosovo and appealed to all communities living in Kosovo to cooperate and show mutual tolerance and understanding for the good of Kosovo. “Kosovo has its history but it should turn towards its future, while KFOR soldiers will remain committed in ensuring security for all Kosovo citizens, regardless of their ethnicity or religion”, said Müntefering during his visit in Kosovo.

The unresolved status of Kosovo was declared from many international institutions as the main obstacle for the lack of foreign investments in Kosovo.


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