Kosovo to begin its part of Prishtina-Durrës highway in spring

As Albania nears finishing the construction of its part of the highway from Durrës to Kukës, Kosovo is anticipated to begin with the construction of first kilometers in the spring of this year, says the Minister of Transportation and Telecommunication, Fatmir Limaj.

Regarding the expropriation fund which will compensate the landlords, the officials at the Ministry are waiting for the Parliament to adopt the expropriation bill, which is expected to be voted next month.

Vice chairman of the Committee for Budget and Finance, Haki Shatri, said that government paths will open for a rapid start of this project, once the law on ‘Expropriation Bill’ will proceed on the next plenary session in Parliament. “All gaps are filled and uncertainties are addressed, the bill is ready for a vote”.

Officials at the Ministry say there is huge interest among international companies from many EU, US and Asian countries. “We have 33 companies or bidders, European, Turkish, American and Asian. There are companies from Austria, Germany, Italy, Turkey, US, Japan, Slovenia, Croatia. All serious companies, specialized for road construction”.

New Kosova Report

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