Kosovo rejects Russian offer to build gas-fired power station

Prishtinë, May 29, 2006 – The construction of new power plants on the basis of natural gas is not only in contradiction with the energetic strategy of Kosova, but it is also harmful since it would devalue the great reserves of coal.

The largest Russian gas company, Gazprom, expressed its interest to invest in Kosova in the construction of new power generating capacities using Russian natural gas.

Lorik Haxhiu, an adviser to the minister of energy and mining, told KosovaLive last week that there were many companies who expressed their interest in the energetic sector.

“The construction of a power plant is not included in the energetic strategy approved by the parliament,” said Haxhiu, adding that this is a difficult process as well, since Kosova has no sources of gas.

The deputy head of the Kosovo Energy Corporation – KEK Pranvera Dobruna-Kryeziu, told the media that it is not in the interest of Kosova to build a power plant which would use natural gas.

KEK Managing Director John Ashley has discussed with different investors on the possibility of constructing the new power plant – Kosova C.

ECIKS / KosovaLive

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