Kosovo: New mobile telephony operator in 2-3 weeks

Prishtina, 19 January 2007 – Dailies report that the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) decided to accept the bid of the German company, IWH, which had submitted its bid for the mobile telephony tender six minutes after the deadline. Reportedly, behind this bid stands Remzi Ejupi, head of Kosovaairlines tourist company.

Meanwhile, sources told Zeri that the tender winner would be selected in the next two-three weeks. As for the Bid Evaluation Committee, TRA Spokesperson, Mirlinda Bivolaku, said they are waiting for UNMIK to nominate its representatives and start the bid evaluation process. Bivolaku also emphasized that the selection of the tender winner depends on the Evaluation Committee, which will set the date for the announcement of the winning company.

UNMIK Pillar IV Spokesperson, Mechthild Henneke, said the SRSG would soon nominate the two representatives to the committee.


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