Prishtina, 18.02.2008 – The Parliament of Kosovo has yesterday declared the Republic of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign country amid celebrations of hundreds of thousands of Kosovars in the streets of the main cities in Kosovo. The new country has obliged itself to implement the “Ahtisaari Plan” and has invited NATO led KFOR to remain in the country as well as the newly established EU Mission to deploy in Kosovo.
The birth of the newest country in Europe, marking the end of break-up process of ex-Yougoslavia, will stabilize the entire region and will offer a perspective of economic development and EU integration to Kosovo’s young population.
The Economic Initiative for Kosova (ECIKS), representing the Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo in the German-speaking countries, believes that economic development will now have the main attention of Kosovar Institutions. The resolution of the final status of Kosovo has also removed the last obstacle for many foreign potential investors who have previously been interested in Kosovo, but withheld their decision due to status unclarity.
ECIKS continues to promote foreign investments from Austria, Germany and Switzerland and will now take a more pro-active approach. For this purpose, ECIKS has planned a more intense and focused investment promotion campaign in coordination with Foreign Investment Advisory Service of the World Bank Group and will start immediately with its implementation.