Kosovo has BPO potentials

CEO of Hinduja Global Solutions, a leading Indian company, says that Kosovo is among many countries looking to play a bigger role in BPO industry. Kosovo is part of the newer geographies following on the heels of countries like the Czech Republic, Poland and China, which have in recent years managed to attract significant investments in the BPO sector.

India, the pioneer of the BPO revolution since two decades ago, still dominates the industry with around 40% of the offshore BPO market. However, a country in Eastern Europe like Kosovo offers near shore advantages due to their proximity to Continental Europe. In addition to this, Kosovo has also adopted the Euro, is increasingly making its legislation compatible with EU law, and has relatively low tax or bureaucratic burdens.

Foreign companies have outsourced services to Kosovo before, such as call centers or IT services which are typical of this field. In 2007, the Austrian company Wertheim outsourced part of its software development to a domestic IT company called Rrota. The domestic company undertook the obligation to develop sophisticated software for managing safe boxes produced by Wertheim, a project which was worth 300,000 Euro.

ECIKS / The Economic Times

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