Kosovo Government and KEK agree on energy tariffs

Prishtina, 22 April 2007 – Kosovar media reported that on friday, the Kosovo Government and KEK have reached an agreement regarding the return to the old energy tariffs.

Kosovo Prime Minister Agim Ceku believes this is positive and very important step, since it directly influences the welfare of the people in Kosovo.

According to a press release issued by the Kosovo Government, the agreement states that KEK will ask the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) to annul the decision for the increase of tariffs for households. The Government has promised to support KEK in cash collection and reduction of commercial losses. Government officials believe that the KEK revenues can increase without KEK increasing the energy prices.

“KEK revenues can increase through cash collection. Therefore, it is important that the citizens of Kosovo pay their electricity bills. Our government calls on the citizens to do so. This is the only way KEK can provide good services for all citizens of Kosovo,” reads the press release.

Minister of Energy and Mining, Ethem Ceku told the media that KEK has submitted a program that guarantees the required revenues from cash collection. “UNMIK and the joint Task Force will assist the KEK program. The Government, the Assembly, the civil society, courts and prosecutors all support it,” stated Minister Ceku.

RTK broadcasted an interview with Minister of Energy and Mining Ethem Ceku. “With the support of KEK, we managed to bring a group of international experts in KEK. Their job is to support the KEK management in reaching the objectives set by the Board of Directors. I believe the employees and the management are prepared to lead KEK in the right direction. We need the cooperation of all institutions, including the government, to increase the cash collection,” stated Minister Ceku.


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