Kosovo Budget 2006 will be €700 million

Prishtina, Aug 21, 2005 – KTV reports that Kosovo spending agencies should be more careful when planning their expenses for the next year. The officials of the Ministry of Economy and Finance claim that they are setting main parameters for the 2006 budget, as well as for 2007 and 2008 budgets.

The Director of Budget, Agim Krasniqi, said that the 2006 budget would be €700 million. “The budget should be prepared according to the programs and according to economic sub categories,” said Krasniqi.

According to MEF officials there will be more control over the expenses. At the same time there will be no possibility to transfer budgets from one ministry to another.

The general amount of the initial budget for 2005 was €736 million, but following the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund it was decided to be €22 million less. €330,700,000 will be dedicated for the PISG, €211,700,000 for the reserved powers and €172,4 million for the Kosovo municipalities.


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