Kosovo: BNP Paribas to operate through EUNDES

Prishtinë, 26 Feb, 2007 – The media in Kosovo report that the bank BNP Paribas will soon start operating in Kosovo through the advisory company Eundes.

“Eundes is the only company in Europe with concession for carrying out investment funds’ services on behalf of the largest European bank – BNP Paribas,” said Suarez Kraja, Director of Eundes for Kosovo.

According to Kraja, Eundes is committed to improve economic development in Kosovo, to improve living standard, capital investment and capital growth etc. Eundes offers good opportunities to Kosovars living abroad as well, in increasing their capital.

Over the past few years Kosovo’s financial sector has made great progress. The sector is regulated by the Central Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo (BPK), established in November 1999. All of Kosovo’s banks are now private, some of them foreign-owned. There are seven registered banks, ten Savings and Credit Associations, twelve micro-finance institutions, four other non-banking financial institutions and eight insurance companies. The Pro Credit Bank, established upon the initiative of several leading International Financial Institutions, and the Raiffeisen Bank of Austria have the largest market share in Kosovo.


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