Kosovar and Albanian energy companies renew the agreement on electricity exchange

Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) and the Albanian Power Corporation (KESH) in Tirana have renewed the agreement for exchange of electricity, estimated as a step towards the consolidation of two electricity distribution operators.

KEK announced that the agreement has been signed by Arben Gjukaj, Managing Director of KEK and Muharrem Stojku, director of KESH.

“Only during the first quarter of 2010 KEK has managed to save €2.9 million through exchange with the Albanian partner corporation (KESH). This is done by avoiding the import where possible and compensating it through the exchange of electricity. This agreement will enable further cost reduction for corporations and stable power supply, “said Gjukaj.

Creating a single energy system provides increased flexibility in the supply, due to the fact that most of the energy produced Albania comes from hydro power plants while Kosovo relies on lignite power plants.

“Currently, lignite power plants produce around 95% of the total energy in Kosovo, while in Albania 95% comes from the hydro power plants. The union of the two systems provides increased supply security and maximum utilization of resources of lignite and hydro with minimal cost,” added Gjukaj.

The new agreement clearly defines the terms of delivery schedule and quantity of electricity in case of special circumstances.


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