Investors more interested in Kosovo after ICJ rule

Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo and the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, announced that the interest of foreign investors for Kosovo has increased after the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The ICJ advisory opinion, announced in July 2010, said that the declaration of Kosovo’s independence does not violate the international law.

The interest of investors has clearly increased and this energy should be used to create better conditions and opportunities for foreign investments.

The Head of Investment Promotion Agency, Mustafe Hasani, said that Kosovo institutions must take into account the concerns of potential investors.

KCC President Safet Gerxhaliu said that one important condition for economic development are investments in road and railway infrastructure. He urged the institutions to step up efforts in this direction.

Gerxhaliu stressed that there is interest from World Bank and International Monetary Fund to help the implementation of these capital projects.


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