Government expects EC to make a decision on CEFTA agreement

Prishtina – Kosovo institutions have not yet made a decision regarding mutual measures towards Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are violating CEFTA Agreement by blocking Kosovo products in their borders. Kosovo Officials said that they will continue talks with the European Commission (EC) on the matter, which is expected to make a final decision. Officials said that CEFTA Committee has left the issue up to the EC to decide.

On the other hand, UNMIK continues to share the same position. UNMIK spokesperson Russell Geekie said that “One of our roles is that UNMIK may serve as an interface between Kosovo institutions and international organizations that have not yet recognized Kosovo or where Kosovo is not yet a member. In CEFTA’s case, if asked by Kosovo institutions, UNMIK will play such a role.”

UNMIK has signed the CEFTA agreement on behalf of Kosovo.


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