Activity 3
Digital transformation of MSMEs through the provision of targeted Business Digitalization Services
The activity is foreseen to facilitate the establishment of Digitalization Empowerment Initiative (DEI) to offer efficient business digitalization services for enabling digital transformation of micro, small and medium enterprises with the aim of developing sustainable enterprises, increasing competitiveness, improving their market access, and fostering job creation. The focus of the DEI is to support private sector companies that have potential to develop new – or integrate into existing – local value chains of products and services produced by women, young entrepreneurs, women and men in rural areas, and those from minority groups. Overall, this will induce the enhancement of performance and competitiveness of MSMEs, improve their local, regional and international market access, and ultimately increase the awareness and demand of business digitalization services. DEI will provide as least 5 different business digitalisation services, from which 75 MSMEs will benefit until the project end in 2022. Having defined the business digitalization services, KIESA will be supported in drafting an operational manual consisting of inclusive criteria, hence, it will have a specific target for women-run businesses and enterprises located in rural areas.